
Perspectives 2

We are European, feel European and face the same challenges in our common, united Europe. Yet debates about solutions to today's problems and questions about how we can shape our common future are far too often trapped in national media bubbles. With PERSPECTIVES - both as a project and a label - we want to contribute to a diverse media landscape that reflects today’s complex realities through multiple voices and viewpoints.
Co-funded by the European Union and implemented by a transnational editorial network under the leadership of the Goethe-Institut, PERSPECTIVES gives you thought-provoking, multi-perspective content on a wide range of topics of pan-European importance and relevance.

What makes PERSPECTIVES so unique is its transnational-by-default approach to reporting and content production. Each topic published under the label – be it in the form of an article, a podcast, or a video - has been researched and edited by at least two editorial teams from different partner countries. Journalists from Central-Eastern Europe thus work together across borders to bring you content that works across platforms and languages.

All journalistic content pieces published under the PERSPECTIVES label can be found on the websites of our partners.

Perspectives is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the funding authority can be held responsible for them.

Goethe-Institut Prague and Jadu Magazine - DE/SK/CZ/UA
Kultura Liberalna - PL
First University Radio of the city of Pest (EPER) - HU/EN
Kapital - SK/EN
Revue Prostor - CZ/EN
Youth magazine Narvamus (VitaTiim) - EE/RU/EN

More materials from the Perspectives 2 project - HERE


More about activities and events - HERE
Young Journalists Programme - OPEN CALL
Project supported
Julia Dem
project manager
Phone: + 375 559 217 87
E-mail: julia@vitatiim.ee